The Only Manufacturer of Both Elevator Controller and PM Traction Machine in China!

Elevator UCMP (Unintended Cabin Movement Protection)


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IECS has a lot of functions, I would like to introduce one function about IECS.

Elevator UCMP (Unintended Cabin Movement Protection)

During the cabin door opening period, the elevator traction machine may lack traction force or have brake failure. In such a case the cabin could move unintended with the door open, and cause damage to the passenger in or out the elevator. The IECS from sylg has UCMP protection to stop such incidents. The system detects traction sheave movement during the cabin door open period. Once detecting the sheave movement, the controller will output counter force to stop the cabin from moving and close the door under the interlock circuit role. It can open the cabin door and slowly drive cabin up or down within door zone, and announce fault through voice synthesizer to evacuate passengers inside the cabin.

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